
Beyond the garage: Adopting a public company mindset from day one

For many startup founders, the journey from idea to execution is a whirlwind of creativity, innovation, and adaptability. However, as your company grows, it’s essential to shift your mindset from…

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How to Create a Go-To-Market Strategy for Your Next B2B Product

For someone who loves to create new products, it was important to learn how to get these into the hands of consumers. After all, how valuable is a product if…

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RFM Segmentation for FREE

Why use RFM Segmentation RFM analysis is one of the easiest to learn that will help you predict the future behaviour of your customers. But tools like Mixpanel and Clevertap…

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How to Start a Game Development Studio: 8 Things I’ve Learned

When most of my friends decided to do an MBA after the engineering course, I began dreaming about starting up. Rather go the conventional route, I told myself to take…

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Sales Lessons for Software Developers: How to Sell Your Product

Having a computer science degree and building softwares from the ground up makes you think you can do it all from the comfort behind your computer screen. Then you realize…

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How to Talk in Tech Language: A Guide for Non-Techies

This is one of the most common questions that early product managers seem to ask. There seems to be a gap between product and engineering teams that needs to be…

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